Could you hear the collective sighs of relief this morning?? We've been holding our breaths for awhile and we finally were able to exhale...with a smile on our face. Dr. Stein read the CT and PET scan and there is no evidence of cancer in Larry's body. The chemo did it's job! It was a good day.
Larry will meet with Dr. Salti (his surgeon) on Wednesday to talk about and set a date for his now 'exploratory' surgery. And hopefully a reversal of his colostomy! Please keep your fingers crossed!
After surgery Lar will go on a maintenance chemo pill and hopefully put this whole cancer thing behind us.. FOR GOOD!!!
I cannot thank everyone enough for your outpouring of support and encouragement! Thank you for taking it easy on us the last few weeks as we held our breaths. I felt many people's support and it was like an instant oxygen mask over my face-you helped me breath easier! It means the world to me and my family. We would not get through this without you. You're the best!
Sox it to it, Lar...