Friday, January 4, 2013

Still going strong...

Uhhh!!!  I have been hit by that flu going around.  YUCK!  It has not been fun.  I'm finally sitting upright for the first time in 2 days.

More importantly, Larry had another check up with Dr. Salti this week. We are 4 weeks post operation. The doctor is still impressed with Larry's recovery.  In fact, he has been allowed to go back to work next Wednesday!  Can you believe it?!   He also has gained 2 pounds!!  We'll take it!  Lar has lost considerable weight since the second surgery.  He has learned to live with eating smaller portions, although we went to lunch this week and he almost finished his meal.  But who wouldn't at DMK burger.
Larry has been experiencing neuropathy (tingling/numbness in his toes and fingers).  This is a side effect of the chemo given to him during the HIPEC.  We are hoping that it is temporary and that it does not stay with him long. 
Next week, we meet with Dr. Stein to come up with a schedule for his next round of chemo.  He is almost completely healed from the surgery so now it is on to the next phase of treatment-another round of the same chemo.  I am assuming it will be identical to the last round, but I will fill you all in when we meet with her.

Sox it to it Lar...

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