Wednesday, October 14, 2015

3rd Surgery is in the books

This will be a quick post, I want to update you on yesterday's surgery...I have another post halfway finished but exhaustion has set in and I cannot think anymore. 

Larry's surgery was a success. Dr. Salti removed all signs of cancer-the original  cancer spot that was detected with the colonoscopy and the PET Scan was a lot lower in the colon than what was expected. In order for Larry to heal properly, Dr. Salti had to put in a temporary ileostomy (colostomy bag/stoma). Obviously this is not ideal, but Dr. Salti assured us that it was temporary. So, just a lil' bump in the road.

Dr. Salti also found another site of cancer that he was able to remove. This too was unexpected, but we are glad he found it and took it out.

Larry is recovering much faster from this surgery than the others (another positive for the stoma). He's already sitting up and the NG tube is out. You know he's feeling better when he is listening to the news about last night's democratic debate and rolls his eyes and calls Bernie Sanders a socialist. He's back folks :) I can't wait to hear his commentary about the Cub's win.

Looking ahead...the pathology report will take a couple days, however Dr. Salti is certain that Lar will have another round of chemo. This will happen after he heals from the surgery. We won't know what kind of chemo or the specifics of the plan until pathology comes back and we talk with Dr. Stein.

Thank you to everyone who texted, e-mailed, messaged, called.. with well wishes. Your support is what keeps us positive, fighting and moving forward!

More to come.

Sox it to it, Lar!

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