Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Halfway point

I'm happy to report that Larry received his 3rd chemo treatment yesterday. He's tolerating it well. His counts have been low, which is normal for chemo, but the nuelesta shots are working wonders. He has kept with his schedule: chemo on Tuesdays (every other week), go home with a slow drip pump of chemo for over 24 hours, he pulls the pump out himself and goes to work. He uses his 2 days off for his chemo treatments. He hasn't missed a day of work due to chemo - UNBELIEVABLE!!!
He is halfway done with this round of chemo-6 total. After this round of chemo his body will heal and then he will have an 'exploratory' surgery. 

Happy holidays to everyone - we have a lot to be thankful for!

Sox it to it, Lar...

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