Thursday, July 6, 2017

Bumps in the Road

The last few weeks have been a bunch of Bumps in the Road for Larry. I guess that is to be expected when a guy gets his entire colon removed, tumors removed (in very complicated areas) and a last minute HIPEC. After being home for a week, Larry developed an infection and had urine leaking into his abdomen. As hard as his doctor tried to keep him out of the hospital, the infection proved to be too strong to fight without the help of round-the-clock care. While in the hospital, they got the infections (yep, more than one) under control with heavy IV antibiotics. He also had an abscess drained and another drain put in to stop the urine leakage. After another week in the hospital, he broke out feeling much better than when he went in. He is still trying to find his appetite and strength, but is feeling stronger each day. The next step is to get him healthy enough to start another round of chemo.

Lar breaking out of the hospital last week


 If you haven't already please sign up for the Get Your Rear in Gear 5k on Saturday, September 23rd at 9:00am at Montrose Harbor. Here is the link to sign up: SIGN UP HERE 
We have a great time, celebrating Lar and his journey. It would mean a great deal to him, my mom and me to see you there.
Sox it to it Lar...

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