Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Yes, that's right we popped a bottle of bubbly to celebrate the news we got today.  We first met with his oncologist, Dr. Stein.  When she walked into the room with tears in her eyes, and hugged my brother, you heard a huge sigh of relief in the room.  The CT scan was clear - it showed no tumors, no swelling of the periteneal wall or lymph nodes.  YAY!!!  We could not have asked for better news!
A couple hours later we met with the oncology surgeon, Dr. Salti to hear what our next step is.  He was very pleased with the scan and how he tolerated the chemo and he's excited to get his hands on him to do the HIPAC procedure.(chemo bath).  He will have this surgery the first week of December.  We'll know the exact date tomorrow.  It's the same procedure I've talked about - nothing different.  He'll be in the hospital for 9 days and then recover at home for another 4 weeks.  He is NOT happy with this but too bad.  Once he has recovered from the surgery he will then go back to Dr. Stein for another round of chemo.  Like Dr. Stein said, "aggressive treatment for a very aggressive cancer".

Thank you again for all of your positive vibes, thoughts, prayers, whatever you did.  It worked!

Sox it to it Lar...

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