Thursday, May 9, 2013

What exactly is Remission???

We are still riding the high of getting the good remission news.  It's still sinking in to most and now I am getting text messages and emails...
What is remission exactly??....  What does Lar do now??

Dr. Stein's explanation of remission to us is there are no cancer cells detected by a CT scan or blood work.  Our hopes are that he is CCF (cancer cell free).  She cannot guarantee that there are no cancer cells in Larry's body.  If there are cancer cells in his body,  they are undetectable at this point.  Another point to make about remission, that I have learned in the past couple days, is that he has absolutely no signs or symptoms of cancer.  He looks great AND feels great.  He actually gained another 2 pounds and is back to his 'fighting' weight.

Now for his next steps... his next scan and blood work is in 2 months and he will remain on that schedule for at least a year.  He is also scheduled for follow-up with Dr. Salti, his surgeon.  I'm sure he is thrilled with the news.  Larry is a part of a HIPEC (the chemo bath surgery he had in December) study that Dr. Salti is involved with.  I'm sure this is the result he and the entire HIPEC community was hoping for :)

Sox it to it Lar...

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