Tuesday, July 31, 2012

++Positive Signs++

Early this morning, Larry woke up in a puddle of his sweat - his fever broke!! YAY!  Why am I so happy about this?  Yesterday morning, he spiked a fever of 104.5-  his body's way of saying he had an infection and in his case abscesses.  But nothing MAJOR doses of antibiotics couldn't take care of.  He has had a normal temperature and normal blood pressure/heart rate all day today, which we hope means the antibiotics are draining the last abscess (no surgery). Also, his white blood cell count is slowly decreasing - another promising sign.  

And the fun continues....Today, he got a PICC-line put in his upper arm. He'll have to stay on this high dosage of anitbiotics for about a week.  Instead of staying in the hospital for that long, he'll be able to go home and a home health care nurse will visit him everyday to administer the antibiotics through the PICC. We are grateful for the PICC!!! Lar's appetite has definitely returned and his energy is back.  Keep your fingers (and toes) crossed that these positive signs continue and he can go home.

Once we found out he could eat again my mom stopped at Mickey D's to get Lar chicken nuggets, fries and a milk.

Lar's new addition - a PICC-line

Sox it to it Lar...

Monday, July 30, 2012

What a trooper

One of the surgical residence taking Lar's staples out

Look Mom - no more staples!

No More metal!!!  Lar finally got his staples out.  I was the lucky one there to watch it.  He said it didn't really hurt until..........the last one.  The last one sat right below his belly line and was pretty stubborn - it didn't want to come out.  The resident actually had to get another pair of scissors to get it.  Of course, Lar was a trooper through it all.  The incision is amazing!  The picture doesn't do it justice.

Lar is short one abscess and like his last staple the pelvic abscess is being stubborn and does not want to leave the friendly confines of my brother.  The 3 cm pelvic abscess is hiding behind part of his colon.  The doctors had a tough time getting to it.  Since it is only 3 cm. they are going to see if the antibiotics, that he will continue to be on for the next 24 hours, will dissolve it.  If that does not work then on Wednesday they'll go back in laperscopically (after deflating his colon-I'll leave out the dirty details on how they will do that) and attempt to get it.  IF that attempt fails than they will have to open him up again and perform another surgery to drain it.  Please send good thoughts our way that he does not have to endure another surgery!!

I thought I would share more pictures -

Lar eating dinner with his fruit bouquet from Rita.  

pain-free +full stomach + texting = happy boy

Sox it to it Lar....

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Back to the hospital

We made another visit to St. Joe's emergency room today.  Lar started having severe abdominal pain this morning.  After calling Dr. Salti, we took him immediately to the emergency room- where they did an x-ray.  The x-ray showed he was 'full of shit' (literally) so they admitted him and did a CAT scan.  The CAT scan showed a couple abscesses which is typical after the type of surgery he had.  Poop is dirty.  When they cut into his intestine many of the trillions of bacteria got out and into his abdominal cavity.  The abscesses are a build up of this dirty bacteria.  He's on a very high dosage of antibiotics to help with the infection and then tomorrow he will go in for a procedure to drain the abscesses.  It is a laperscopic procedure done while he is in 'twilight'. 
This is just a little bump in the road.  He is resting comfortably and was ready for bed when we left.

Sox it to it Lar...

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee

Muhammed Ali once said 'You lose nothing when fighting for a cause...In my mind the losers are those who don't have a cause they care about'.  On July 18th my brother was diagnosed with colon cancer and on July 18th I started my quest to learn everything and anything I can about this disease.  I've learned about treatments, preventions, studies, funding, research, etc - you name it I have a notebook full of notes dedicated to this disease.  I'm still trying to wrap my brain around everything and make sense of everything and once I do- watch out!  Like Ali did to so many of his opponents....I'm going to float like a butterfly and sting like a bee.  Colon cancer will wish it never stepped in the ring with my brother.

I opened up my e-mail inbox and read an email from one of my cousins that read... "we are getting our butts probed on the 22nd".  This was the best news I have heard all week.  Boy, how life changes quickly :)  One of the common themes I read is that colon cancer is 90% curable when caught early.  How do you catch it early?  You get a colonoscopy.  Currently, standard of care is colonoscopies starting at 50.  Well, memo to insurance companies, another common theme is the average age of colon cancer diagnosis is significantly dropping.  If you are 50+ call tomorrow and make an appointment to get your butt probed.  If you are under 50 and have history of colon cancer in your family call your insurance company and see if procedure V16.0 (colonoscopy) is covered under your insurance plan.  (thanks cousin Jill for looking into it).  If you are under 50 with no history of colon cancer...well...join my fight to make colonoscopies available earlier.

Dear Muhammed Ali,
I am no longer a loser.  I have a cause I care deeply about.

Laura Asta Matson

Sox it to it Lar....

Friday, July 27, 2012

Gotta love grandmas

"Did they touch your sex organs?" says our 93 year old grandma to my brother after he describes his surgery.  Yes, folks the first sentence out of her mouth-gotta love Enola.  
He replied, "NO!  but they did take my appendix out and didn't tell me".  We have many funny stories while Lar was in the hospital.  One of the best was when he found out he got his appendix out.  A very meek and mild resident came in to examine him two days after surgery.  She felt his right side and he flinched because it was tender.  The poor girl said, "oh that's normal, that's where your appendix was".  My brother was shocked and not happy (to say the least) that the surgeon did not tell him that he took his appendix out.  His famous line to this very sweet and innocent resident, "it would be nice to let a guy know that he doesn't have an appendix anymore!"  He proceeded to tell EVERYONE and ANYONE that came to visit that they took out his appendix and did not tell him!  For those of you that don't know my brother well....he is the most even tempered and easy going guy you will ever meet.  That's why we were so shocked at his reaction and his new obsession with losing a useless body part.

We went and visited our grandma today.  She was very concerned about her favorite grandchild and his 'manhood'.  You all will be relieved to hear that my grandma (a nurse 40 years ago) approved of his incision and felt very confident of cousin Kelly's ability to remove the staples.
We had a great visit with grandma full of food and laughter.  Just what we needed.

Sox it to it Lar....

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Simple Equation

Mexican food + margaritas (or beer) + family = a good day!  

Our cousins-Phil and Jill and their daughter Tyler-drove down to the city tonight and we had Mexican food.  Of course family stories were rehashed and a lot of laughs were had while we reminisced.  Another good day in the books.

I actually stopped by Best Buy to 'look' at cameras and of course walked out with one.  The pictures I have been posting are off my iphone so they're not very clear.  I followed all the steps in the manual step-by-step - I took the camera and the 15 parts out of the box, I charged the battery, put the memory stick in, etc.  The final step was to download the disc onto my computer and guess what???  My computer won't allow it.  UGH!!!!!  So frustrating!!!  
You all will have to suffer with my iphone pictures until I can figure it out.

Sox it to it Lar...

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Not quite yet

Larry's belly wasn't willing to let go of the staples just yet.  We saw the doctor today and after examining Larry he decided to wait the full 2 weeks to take the staples out, since the incision was so large and it's still a little tender.  Saturday will be exactly two weeks since surgery.  We thought we had to wait until next Wednesday to get them out, that's the only day that the doctor has office hours, and we were bummed.  But we have an amazing nurse in the family that has permission from the doctor to take them out.  THANK YOU COUSIN KELLY!!!!  She'll be here on Monday morning with her 'special tool' in hand.  

After the doctor's visit we met Larry's best man to pick out tuxedos for the wedding.  Larry's groomsmen (and Livia's dad) are going to be some pretty sharp dressed men!!  Lar finished the night with a chicken sandwich and a nice cold beer. Can't get any better than that!

Sox it to it Lar....

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Laughter is the best medicine

Today was a productive day.  Lar finalized his oncologist appointment for next Monday, and we went and saw Ted.  We definitely laughed a lot at the R-rated humor.  Who knew a cute teddy bear could be so raunchy?!  We ended the day at my moms.  Lar was craving her pot roast and she surprised him with his favorite... chocolate angel food cupcakes.

I have added a 'subscribe to' feature to the blog on the upper right hand corner.  You can enter in your e-mail address and you'll receive an e-mail every time I update the blog. 

Sox it to it Lar....

Monday, July 23, 2012

So we walked...

How can you explain that you need to know that the trees are still there, and the hills and the sky?  Anyone knows they are.  How can you say it is time your pulse responded to another rhythm, the rhythm of the day and the season instead of the hour and the minute?  No, you cannot explain.  So you walk.  
~Author unknown, from New York Times editorial, "The Walk" 

Boy, it was a hot one in Chicago today!!  It almost hit 100!  It didn't stop Lar from taking a walk with his sister.  He is so fortunate to live in an area of the city with walking paths through the park and by the water.  We walked for awhile and then sat on a park bench watching the people running and working out in this heat....as we sat in the shade dripping with sweat from our stroll.
His staples come out on Wednesday - he will not be sad to see those go!

Today was a good day.

Sox it to it Lar.....

Sunday, July 22, 2012

A Normal Day....

Larry with his fiancé, Livia, and his best man, Roger

Today was a ‘normal’ day.  We went to my moms for a bbq, watched the white sox (unfortunately lose) and relaxed.  After this past week, I am grateful for a normal day.

Sox it to it Lar….

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Home Sweet Home

At 9:00 this morning Larry left room 1044 for the comforts of his home.  The doctors were absolutely right - once he farted he was on the fast track for no more tubes, IVs, shots and pain meds.  In fact, we were shocked that he has NO dietary restrictions!  He got home, took a shower, ate a slice of pizza, and started to appease his woman, Lucy (his cat).  Not Liv she's been by his side through everything.  Lucy's a typical lady...she didn't like being left alone and ignored so now he has to win her attention back.  He's trying so hard that he even lets her jump on his belly with a 9 inch incision.  It's uncomfortable but he's trying everything he can to win her back.  
It's been a VERY long week.  Our lives have been forever changed but its onward and upward.  He is very happy to be home with Livia and Lucy.  
We are very grateful for all of the love and thoughts that have been sent our way.  It's amazing how much family and friends mean at a time like this.  You never know how much family and friends mean until you hit a bump in the road and everyone has helped us get through it.   

sox it to it Lar......

Friday, July 20, 2012

First Meal....

As soon as he farted, he could finally have apple juice!  Probably the best juice of his life!  Then came this tray of goodness:  hot tea, cherry frozen ice, apple juice and jello.  He tolerated that (he didn't throw up) so he was able to get another tray of it for lunch.  AND......
The breakfast tray of food must have done the job because he pooped this afternoon!  Ahhh...nothing like a good bowel movement :)  His insides must be fully awake and more importantly working.  We are anticipating he will go home tomorrow!  It's a good day....

sox it to it Lar....


At 3:45 this morning, it happened!!!  I've never been more excited to report that my brother farted!!  YAY!!  He gets to drink then eat then go home.  Today is a good day :)  

sox it to it Lar.....

It's the top of the first.....

For everyone that knows Larry, you know he LOVES baseball and LOVES his White Sox even more.  Since he was a little boy the White Sox was his team, while the entire rest of the family cheered on that North Side team.  He recruited me young to join his side and I have been a dedicated White Sox fan ever since.  Now my brother has recruited me to fill everyone in on his journey to beat Colon Cancer and once again I'll be dedicated.

So, this is the official site of all things Larry Matson.  I will use this to keep everyone up-to-date on what's going on his life.  Some days there will be important information to convey and other days there may not.  Nonetheless, I will keep you informed.  

Larry and I talked yesterday about the blog and he wanted me to start by catching everyone up on what has happened so far...grab a drink and a snack, sit back and get ready for a wild 6 days.

On Wednesday, July 11th Larry was constipated.  (side note....be prepared now to hear all things dealing with the functions of the human body - as most people know I am not one to hold back)  On Thursday, July 12th Larry was still constipated but now in pain.  His solution - to have Chipotle for lunch.  Yep, that's right Chipotle.  "Laur, it has beans and beans make you poop" is what he later said to me.  But that didn't work.  So, that night after registering at Bed, Bath and Beyond with Livia he tried a nice 1/2 pound burger with fries.  No luck, still constipated. After hearing this my mom said, "is he his father's son or what???"  On Friday, July 13th the constipation continued and the pain was getting worse.  It was so bad that he decided to have chicken noodle soup for lunch and he couldn't have much.  He called my mom who had him take  a fleet enema that night and told him to go to the ER if it didn't work  - still nothing just more pain.  The pain got to be so unbearable he and Livia walked to St. Joseph's Hospital at 2:30 AM on Saturday morning.  And he has been there ever since.

At the emergency room, they did a CAT scan and it showed a blockage in his bowel.  Antibiotics were ordered thinking the blockage was an infection but they didn't work.  His colon was measured at 7 cm. dilated and a normal colon is 2 cm.  They admitted him and we waited for the antibiotics to do their job.  They didn't.  At 3:15 PM he went into surgery. What was suppose to be a 1.5-2 hr surgery ended up to be over 4.  The surgeon told us that he he felt a mass in his colon that looked like cancer so he went ahead and removed 2 ft. of infected intestine to be proactive- they would not have to open him up again.  
It was then a waiting game for the pathology to come back.  He also has to recover from an extensive surgery.  

His scar originally was supposed to be 6 inches- 3 inches above his belly button, 3 inches below. He now has a pretty cool scar from below his breast bone all the way down to his pelvis. (picture to come).  Not only does the scar have to heal (and boy is it painful) the area that was operated on has to heal.  The wonderful surgeon, Dr. Adajar did not want Larry to have a colostomy bag, so he thought outside the box. Think of a clipped garden hose as Lar's large intestine.  There are two ends to the clipped hose - one end of the hose is not infected so it's a normal 2 cm. in diameter and the other end is infected so it's 7 cm. in diameter.  The surgeon connected the two different ends in an attempt to save him from 'the bag'.  So far, the connection has worked!  It typically takes 7 days to make sure it is fully going to hold.  The most important part of his healing is to WAKE UP his insides.  During surgery his intestines, bowels, stomach, etc. went into 'hibernation' which is normal.  Well, now we want them to wake up so he can start eating and drinking.  He has had an NG tube through his nose down into his stomach since surgery.  This tube helps him out while his insides start to wake up.  We will officially know his insides are awake and he can start eating when he farts.  I have never been more excited for my brother to fart in my life!!!

On Sunday, he got out of bed and sat in a reclining chair and on Monday he walked.  The moving (sitting, walking, etc) is so important because that is what will wake up his insides.  His catheter came out on Tuesday and he was able to walk to the bathroom and pee on his own.  He tries to take 4 long strolls around the unit a day.  

On Wednesday evening Dr. Solti, the oncologist surgeon on Dr. Adajar's team, came to tell us what the pathology testing showed.  He explained that the mass in the colon was cancer (we were prepared for that).  Cancer was also found on an area that was removed from his abdominal wall, and 2 of the 15 lymph nodes that were removed showed cancer.  To say the least, we were not prepared for this news.  We are dealing with the news, but our first step is for him to fully recover from surgery and to get out of room 1044 and home.  That will happen when he farts, he then can have liquids/food and if he tolerates that he can come home.  We're anticipated that to be Friday night or Saturday.  

Looking ahead->->->->->Lar will need a PET scan to scan his entire body for cancer - they don't want to start chemo until they know exactly what they are dealing with.  He will also need a Colonoscopy which can't be done until that intestine connection is fully healed. We also have to choose an oncologist team-again we are waiting until he is ready to come home.  Dr. Solti also does a cutting edge cancer surgery for colon cancer that we are also looking into.

Well...I think that gets you all up-to-date.  So far, we feel very fortunate for the team of doctors we were given.  Their bedside manner and their knowledge has been simply amazing!!

More to come later.... If you do have questions/comments please post and I'll try my best to answer.  And if anyone else can answer the questions please do!  I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV - just doing the best I can with what I hear.

sox it to it Lar....