We made another visit to St. Joe's emergency room today. Lar started having severe abdominal pain this morning. After calling Dr. Salti, we took him immediately to the emergency room- where they did an x-ray. The x-ray showed he was 'full of shit' (literally) so they admitted him and did a CAT scan. The CAT scan showed a couple abscesses which is typical after the type of surgery he had. Poop is dirty. When they cut into his intestine many of the trillions of bacteria got out and into his abdominal cavity. The abscesses are a build up of this dirty bacteria. He's on a very high dosage of antibiotics to help with the infection and then tomorrow he will go in for a procedure to drain the abscesses. It is a laperscopic procedure done while he is in 'twilight'.
This is just a little bump in the road. He is resting comfortably and was ready for bed when we left.
Sox it to it Lar...
I love you!! I miss you soo much! your the best I hope you feel better budd:)