Friday, July 20, 2012


At 3:45 this morning, it happened!!!  I've never been more excited to report that my brother farted!!  YAY!!  He gets to drink then eat then go home.  Today is a good day :)  

sox it to it Lar.....


  1. Woohoo! Could they let you have a tall glass of water now?

  2. Thats Great to hear sis!!!!

  3. I dont if this will show up. Hoping for the best. Glad today is off to a positive start.- Jovanna

  4. Wooo-whooo! One for the home team! -MJ.

  5. Great news!!! Positive thoughts are heading your way from Boston! Love the idea of the blog. It's a tough road ahead but so many positives already. Stay strong...and just maybe I'll root for the white sox in Lar's honor. After all Epstein and Youk r there so it makes it easier. ;)
    Love Veronica

  6. Great news!! Yay - been waiting to hear about "the" fart & I'm sure many more will be coming now that your intestines are more awake and ready to get to work! Been quite a week for you - just keep your positive attitude and good humor - I'm sure you have been entertaining the nurses. Glad you are going home soon. Miss you so much but will see you in a few weeks. LOVE & HUGS, Aunt Gwin
