Monday, July 30, 2012

What a trooper

One of the surgical residence taking Lar's staples out

Look Mom - no more staples!

No More metal!!!  Lar finally got his staples out.  I was the lucky one there to watch it.  He said it didn't really hurt until..........the last one.  The last one sat right below his belly line and was pretty stubborn - it didn't want to come out.  The resident actually had to get another pair of scissors to get it.  Of course, Lar was a trooper through it all.  The incision is amazing!  The picture doesn't do it justice.

Lar is short one abscess and like his last staple the pelvic abscess is being stubborn and does not want to leave the friendly confines of my brother.  The 3 cm pelvic abscess is hiding behind part of his colon.  The doctors had a tough time getting to it.  Since it is only 3 cm. they are going to see if the antibiotics, that he will continue to be on for the next 24 hours, will dissolve it.  If that does not work then on Wednesday they'll go back in laperscopically (after deflating his colon-I'll leave out the dirty details on how they will do that) and attempt to get it.  IF that attempt fails than they will have to open him up again and perform another surgery to drain it.  Please send good thoughts our way that he does not have to endure another surgery!!

I thought I would share more pictures -

Lar eating dinner with his fruit bouquet from Rita.  

pain-free +full stomach + texting = happy boy

Sox it to it Lar....


  1. Thanks for getting these pictures posted! I REALLY wanted to get at those staples!!! Yeah NO NG tube either!!! hang in there Lar....lots of love and positive thoughts from Urbana!

  2. Love the pictures - impressive scar! Great fruit basket! Sending positive thoughts and Hugs and more Hugs from the Fultonsfive! We love you.

  3. Laura,
    Thanks again for doing this blog, I am so thrilled I don't have to bother your mom with endless phone calls. My whole family is praying for Larry, hope the antibiotics work.
    Larry, if you read this you are an amazing guy. Every photo has you looking great. Having a positive, fighting attitude is everything!
    Love and hugs, Jeanne and John

  4. Hiya! What a nice looking personal blog you own! Did you create this website on your own?
