Thursday, September 27, 2012

Emeril he is not

Top chef is not in the future for my brother.  On Tuesday night, he was making meatloaf and scalloped potatoes and instead of cutting the potatoes he got his finger.  He was able to stop the bleeding, so he thought nothing of it.  Last night when he took the bandages off it bled a lot, so to the ER he went. Seriously!  At the ER they determined he didn't need stitches,  he just needs to clean it in 2 days and then after that everyday.
I told him I needed material for the blog but he does not have to go to that extreme.  

Other than that he is feeling pretty well.  We head to the Cell tomorrow night to cheer on the Sox and turn their losing streak around.  If anyone can it's my brother!
The finger getting cleaned

He's all bandaged and ready to go home

Sox it to it Lar...

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