Saturday, September 22, 2012

We walk for them....

Back Row (from left): Lauren Matson, Leighanne Matson, Blake Gelber, Olivia Fulton, Natalie Fulton, Abby Fulton
Front Row (from Left):  Tyler Kullen, Claire Gelber, Chloe Gelber

One of the best parts of my brother's wedding was having our entire family together in one spot, celebrating something happy.  This is a picture of the youngest generation of cousins, on both sides of our family.

We danced, 

And laughed,

And celebrated our family. 

My brother's diagnosis hit the generation in the middle.  Mine and my brother's generation.  Not my mom's or dads or uncle or aunts... but our generation.  That rocked our world.
As I watched my family come together to celebrate Larry and Livia and I watched the top picture being taken, I could not help but want to protect them from everything and anything.

That is why I am walking on October 21.  

To raise awareness about colon cancer,
              to raise funds to research colon cancer
                                to educate about colon cancer
                                               to prevent Colon cancer.
And to gather our family and friends to work together to beat this disease.  So, the younger generation has one less thing they have to fight against!

Please join us on October 21st to walk with family and friends to celebrate my brother and raise awareness about colon cancer.  

Just click HERE to join our team.  My goal is to have the BIGGEST team walking!  
After the walk my mom is hosting a breakfast at her place - just across the street from the finish line.  C'mon it will be fun!  Join Today!!

Sox it to it Lar...

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