Sunday, September 30, 2012

Good Luck charm

What a great night for some White Sox baseball!  We went to the game on Friday night, and saw the White Sox beat Tampa Bay.  Cousin Roger got us amazing seats and for an extra bonus there were fireworks after the game.  Lar definitely is the Sox lucky charm...not only did the white sox win but the division leader, the Detroit Tigers, lost.  I'd say it was a pretty great night!

After the game, we visited Larry's brick that I got him as a Christmas gift the year the Sox won the championship.  Here's a picture of him with it.  He was so thrilled to take the picture :)

This Tuesday is Larry's 4th chemo treatment this round.  Please send good thoughts his way that he continues to tolerate the side effects of the chemo. 
And as you can see his thumb is still bandaged and is slowly healing.

The LRM Crew is growing in members for the walk on October 21st.  Try-outs are unnecessary for our team, we do not cut, so please consider joining us as we walk the Get Your Rear in Gear 5k.  My mom is hosting a great brunch for everyone after the walk - you don't want to miss her cooking.  
Sign up today: Get Your Rear in Gear Sign-up

Sox it to it Lar...

1 comment:

  1. can you please go to another game?
    how can we be 3 games out?
    help, Larry, help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
