"Get a colonoscopy...." Larry's famous phrase to EVERYONE (nurses, doctors, cleaning crew, etc.) that comes in and out of his room. You gotta love Larry on morphine.
It has been 24 hours since Larry was out of surgery. He is doing well. He was in a lot of pain this morning, but nothing a little more morphine wouldn't take care of. Once the addition of the pain meds kicked in, he was able to sit up for a bit. And after sitting up for awhile, he ventured to a chair and sat for a good hour. He is still in ICU. We are waiting for Dr. Salti to come do his rounds tonight to see if they will move him out of ICU. It is very bright in ICU which makes it difficult for Larry to sleep.
Hopefully, the next time you hear from me, he will be out of ICU.
Still waiting on a fart.... ahh...deja vu
Sox it to it Lar...
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