Sunday, December 9, 2012

One popular boy

The visitors keep comin' to room 9204 to sit and chat with Lar.  In a matter of an hour, he had 10 people coming in and out of his room.  His nurses didn't know what do!
Cousin Kelly and her daughter Leighanne took the train from Champaign to visit Lar for the weekend.  The highlight was seeing Lar and Livia's wedding pictures for the first time.

As you can see, he is looking great.  He still has the NG Tube in his nose, hopefully that will come out soon.  The drain that was in his belly was taken out last night, so he will have a little bit more mobility while lying down.  We're still waiting for that fart.  The nurses hear rumblings in his hopefully soon.
Lar's room keeps getting more and more festive.  The Fulton girls sent cool signs - 

And Aunt Gwin got the frosty flowers and Livia brought the poinsettia for a little Christmas spirit -

Larry is up and about doing many laps around the floor, trying his best to get his body moving.  He is very anxious to break out of the hospital and relax at home.  Hopefully....soon.

Sox it to it Lar...

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