Tuesday, December 11, 2012

One week in...

Larry surgery was exactly one week ago today.  We are so thankful to have the actual surgery behind us, its now concentrating on his recovery.
You all will be happy that he did fart yesterday morning!  YAY!  We are so excited for that fart.  We thought we were on our way to getting the NG tube out, drinking, bowel movement, eating, and then going home.  But his body had a different idea.
He started kicking more 'junk' out of his NG tube.  This is the tube that runs through his nose down into his stomach.  After many discussions with the doctors, this is not a big concern to them.  They keep reminding us that he has had MAJOR surgery.  Even though he farted, his bowels are still not working enough to get rid of the 'junk'.  We did know the bowel would be slower to wake up this time because of a med that Dr. Salti had to give him during surgery.  
Since it has been one week since surgery, he is now on nutrition.  He gets this through his PICC-line.  Here's a picture:

The big brown bag mixed with another bag is the meal of choice for Lar right now.  One bag runs for 24 hours!  So, it's a slow drip (and it looks like milk in the IV).  It's packed filled with sugar, so hopefully his energy level will increase.

We still have no idea when he will go home.  We are now waiting for the 'junk' to decrease out of his NG tube.  Once that happens then they will clamp it for 4 hours.  If he can tolerate that they will remove it and start him on liquids.  
As you can imagine he is getting frustrated!!  He just wants out of the hospital!!  Especially, since we don't know when that will be it has taken a toll on his morale.  
It's a new day with sugar...I'm looking forward to seeing what today brings.  

Sox it to it Lar...

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