Friday, December 7, 2012


Slowly but surely Larry is making progress.  He peed on his own today and got up and walked twice!  Each day he gets stronger and more antsy to get out of his penthouse in the sky.
Phil and Jill came to visit today.  They brought along a bunch of snowflakes that Tyler made for Larry's room.  They definitely brightened up his room!

She also wore her Get your Rear in Gear t-shirt to school the day of Larry's surgery to show her support - how cute is she???!!!

Uncle Bill and Aunt Carol sent flowers with a balloon, Livia's parents brought him a Christmas cactus, Shannon brought him a funny card and Phil and Jill brought him a great framed picture of Livia and Larry at the Get your Rear in Gear 5k.

Larry is one spoiled boy - he deserves it all!!
We still do not know when he will be able to go home.  The doctors are happy with his recovery so far.  We are still waiting for the fart, so he can get the NG tube taken out.  It's not much fun to have a tube stuck up your nose 24/7.

Sox it to it Lar...

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