Thursday, August 9, 2012

Barium is the mountain dew

Larry downing the barium - wishing it was a mountain dew

These days it seems Larry's drink of choice is barium.  Today was Lar's third CT scan of the month.  He has to drink 2 full containers of it spread out over 2 hours before the test is administered.  He does pretty well with it, it's the last few sips that make him gag.
We don't have the CT results back yet.  He got an upper and a lower this time. The lower was to make sure the antibiotics are doing their job and dissolving the remaining abscess and the upper is to scan his chest to make sure there are no tumors hiding out.
After his CT scans today, we had a little family bonding with our Aunt Gwin who is in from California.  This weekend is sure to be filled with lots of family and fun-  My aunt, cousin and I are throwing Livia a bridal shower on Saturday and my other cousins and grandma are also joining us.  Good family memories in the making!   
Tomorrow is my mom's birthday.  I cannot wait to celebrate her-the strongest woman I know....more on that to come.

Sox it to it Lar...

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