Tuesday, August 14, 2012

It's all good under his hood!!!

Today is a good day.  Larry's CT scans (upper and lower) came back clear which means he currently has no tumors. This is fantastic news!!!!  What a relief!  
He also went to work today for the first time in over a month.  Of course he is exhausted but he said it was great to get back.

I am SO grateful for the good news today.  It's a BIG sigh of relief!

Now, I am off to read the directions on the special cocktail I get to indulge on for my colonoscopy on Thursday morning.  I had enough nerve to send this text to my brother tonight, "got the drinks for my colonscopy today :("  REALLY?! A frown face?????   I'm complaining that I have to drink 2 drinks for my colonscopy?  After all my brother has been through and all the drinks he had to suck down for his CT scans????  Uhhh... I have to keep reminding myself it's all about perspective! 

Sox it to it Lar...


  1. WHAT A RELIEF!!! So great too that you're back to work and back to a "normal" routine, Larry. I'm sure it felt fantastic!

  2. I'm drinking the cocktails on August 21 for an August 22 colonoscopy.
