Saturday, August 11, 2012

Our Superhero

Some people have hercules others have superwoman, Larry and I have our mom.  Yesterday, was my mom's birthday and we celebrated her all day.  She deserved a day long celebration - celebrating her superpower strength, resiliency and compassion.  People are amazed at my brother's strength and 'pick yourself up, move ahead and fight like hell' attitude he has put on display throughout this past month.  It doesn't surprise me at all....he's learned from the best.  My mom.  She has guided us through life leading by example.  Our family has faced many challenges and we've always looked to my mom to lead us.  She has shown us how to be strong and don't give up when everything around you feels like it's falling a part, she has shown us a delicate balance between compassion and not feeling sorry for yourself, she has shown us what it means to stick by the ones you love regardless of the circumstance, and most importantly she has shown us how the power of three can never be divided only strengthened.

Everyone asks me, "How is your mom doing?"  well... here's your answer - she is continuing to do what she does best.  She's leading our family by example and showing extraordinary strength.  hmmm...isn't that the definition of a super hero???  Yep, she's our superhero.

My mom's manicure..notice the one gold nail.  Superhero'ish' don't you think??

Larry getting a pedicure...can't have one without a little champagne

The gang at my mom's birthday dinner

Sox it to it Lar...

1 comment:

  1. She's right near the top of our list of "classy ladies". Super heroes are classy, aren't they??? Happy b/day "G"-looks like you had a great day. You truly deserve it. We love you.
