Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Ist chemo. check.

My brother had his first chemo today.  
To give you an idea on how it went, this is what he posted on Facebook:  
Round one of chemo is in the books and I'm feeling good.  Enough said.  

His 'chemo' days look like this - 
1.    4 hours at Northwestern getting chemo

Catching up on some reading...

and some internet...

And some "resting of the eyes"  a.k.a. sleeping

2.  Then he is hooked up to a pump that he wears for 48 hours that dispenses more chemo - 

His new fashion accessory - the chemo fannie pack :)
And that's all folks.  He is to expect sensitivity to cold - so he has to drink everything at room temperature, not go into the refrigerator and handle cold things.  He will also be fatigued while on the chemo.  He is finished with the pump on Friday and then doesn't go back for another round for 2 weeks.  Keep your fingers crossed that he tolerates the chemo and he doesn't experience too many side effects.

P.S. did you see the Sox swept the Yankees today?  Coincidence?  I don't think so!!

Sox it to it Lar... 

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