Sunday, August 5, 2012


I thought at least the one thing I could get out of this whole my brother has colon cancer thing is I could always say, 
"My brother's colon is bigger than your brother's colon" but no...someone else has us beat -

Here's a picture of Anthony Bourdain's favorite part of the
Mutter Museum- the Mega Colon

I was caught up researching colon cancer one night this week and all of sudden in one of my google searches this picture pops up.  I literally laughed out loud and could not stop.  WHO or WHAT has a colon this big??!! 

As you all can tell, if I'm including this Mega Colon in the blog, there's not much to update you on - which is a good thing!  Lar is still feeling good just getting antsy to return to work.  With the PICC-line in, he is unable to lift anything heavier than 10 pounds.  In the tire business you need to be able to move tires- tires are heavier than 10 pounds- so he will have to wait until the line comes out to return to work. The antibiotics will be done next Sunday so we are hoping he'll return in a week.

At least he has a lot going on this week and has some things to look forward to.  We meet with the oncologist for the first time on Tuesday.  We were suppose to meet with her last week but he was busy fighting off abscesses, so we had to reschedule.  Then our family is coming into town for Livia's bridal shower that is on Saturday.  Lar is going to be one busy boy!!

Sox it to it Lar...

1 comment:

  1. So nice to see two posts in a row that things are uneventful! Who knew uneventful and normal could be so good:)
